How do I uninstall IRST and use MS-ACHI?
My original system was installed using Raid. I now want to remove the IRST and use MS-ACHI. I've done the registry changes, but when I reboot and change bios it doesn't work.
My original system was installed using Raid. I now want to remove the IRST and use MS-ACHI. I've done the registry changes, but when I reboot and change bios it doesn't work.
Hi I recently upgraded my standard HDD to a 520 240gb SSD. However, after installing OSX and migrating all the software, I realized that I should have updated the firmware.My problem is, I have done everything I can according to the PDF help file, I ...
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I replaced the stock hard disk in my Mac mini (2011, 2.3 GHz i5) with an Intel 510 (120 GB) SSD. In general, the SSD is working fine and it's very fast. HOWEVER, I am experiencing lock-ups where the current (front) application will hang (freeze) for ...