Resolved! How to update the firmware of the disk intel 760p Series
Hello.How to update the firmware of the disk intel 760p Series?
Hello.How to update the firmware of the disk intel 760p Series?
Heya, I have newer motherboard z170 and sometimes before have problem with SSD.On old x58 PC fixed issue with RG2P firmware and now on new mobo want switch it back to regular version.On time when switch it, I use issdfut_2.0.15.iso, now on current ve...
Have a good day! Does Intel SSD P4500 support VSS(Variable Sector Size) functions?If not,Why? I known that SSD P3500/P3600/P3700 series are support VSS functions.
Problem: newly installed 545s ssd shows up in bios as an installed drive, but does not show up in list of bootable devices. So I can't boot from it. Original hard disc was cloned successfully to the ssd. System is a Dell Optiplex 980 running Windo...
BonjourLorsque j'installe le SSD Intel 660P sur la carte mère Intel S2600CW2 dans le connecteur M.2. Le bios ne le reconnait pas, il est totalement invisible que se soit en Ahci ou raid, ..Bien sûr pas visible non plus sous Windows serveur 2016..Est-...