07-16-2010 09:54 PM
My Motherboard is P5W DH Deluxe
07-19-2010 06:16 AM
07-19-2010 07:33 AM
I have noticed that SSD benchmarks against my C: drive are always the worst. I have a small empty partition that always gives the best. Since they are both on the same SSD the explaination must be that more than just SSD performance is being measured by the benchmarks. All hardware from the I/O controller to the SSD is the same it must be NTFS overhead.
07-19-2010 09:26 AM
Another thing worth mentioning is benchmark results do vary from time to time with same SSD.
07-19-2010 10:42 AM
ambizytl, I have NEVER seen the same benchmark numbers from two consecutive runs, even in Safe Mode. Of course, Safe Mode is the best trick for producing eyepopping benchmark numbers.