02-23-2013 12:37 PM
I replaced the original Intel 520 series SSD from my Lenovo X230 by another SSD which was straight forward. Then I decided to reuse the Intel SSD in another PC. This turned out to be a nightmare. The only result I ever got, was an I/O error. My first attempt was to use the Intel SSD toolbox to erase the whole disk. The answer I got: Secure Erase can not be done, because ATA security is enabled. Disable ATA security before erasing the current drive. Unfortunately the toolbox didn't tell me how ton disable ATA security.
So what can I do now ?
03-01-2013 08:58 AM
It sounds like you have a hard drive password set on the SSD. You must remove that before running the Secure Erase.
Please let us know if this solves your problem.