05-22-2015 11:00 PM
Hi, I'm trying to install p3600 on ASUS P9D WS Motherboard. The device fits into a PCIe slot just fine and during motherboard startup, I can see the LED's on the SSD flash yellow (for activity) and then green for health. However, shortly thereafter the motherboard basically resets. Without the P3600 inserted, the computer starts up just fine. Any ideas? Do I need an updated bios on the motherboard? Thanks!
05-24-2015 07:51 PM
Hi, ColinEx:
Please update BIOS first
05-25-2015 09:48 PM
Hi yanqiang, thanks for the response. I just installed the latest BIOS to the motherboard (http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/socket1150/P9D_WS/BIOS/P9D-WS-ASUS-2104.zip?_ga=1.148203255.1906... http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/socket1150/P9D_WS/BIOS/P9D-WS-ASUS-2104.zip?_ga=1.148203255.1906...).
Same behaviour: w/o the drive, the computer boots fine (I am writing this response from the booted computer); with the drive, the yellow and then green light comes on and then the motherboard resets.
Are there any motherboard requirements that the P3600 has that I can verify?
05-25-2015 10:17 PM
Hi, ColinEx:
Just checked ASUS website, since the chipset of your motherboard is C226, and ASUS did not release a new BIOS to add NVMe support, I am afraid that your board might not support Intel P3x00 or 750 SSD. Suggest you to check with ASUS for more help, and you also can get a list of boards support NVMe SSD from here: http://www.intel.com/support/ssdc/hpssd/ssd-750/sb/CS-035484.htm Intel® SSD 750 Series — Tested Motherboards
05-25-2015 10:31 PM
Hi, ok, thanks for the info, appreciate it.