Solid State Drives (NAND)
Support for Issues Related to Solid State Drives based on NAND technology
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128GB 545s unexpected drop of performance.

We have one customer who owned 20+ PCs and NUCs with 128GB 545s SSDs. Now almost all of them (few just broke down) have unexpected drop of performance as it was described in few questions here also. My question is: will the latest February2019 FW sol...

SAljoshin by New Contributor
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Hi i have ssd INTEL SSDSC2KW256G8.I didn't found smart attr 252 and 173 and 236 in official document for 545 series.

Smarttable:ID# ATTRIBUTE_NAME     FLAGS  VALUE WORST THRESH FAIL RAW_VALUE 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct  -O--CK  100  100  000  -  0 9 Power_On_Hours_and_Msec -O--CK  100  100  000  -  17h+00m+00.000s 12 Power_Cycle_Count    -O--CK  100  100  000  -  7170...

Ikara5 by New Contributor
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