Resolved! SSD compatibility
Question: Is the Intel SSDPEKNW010T8X1 the same as SSDPEKNW010T8H, and/or is it a direct replacement?
Question: Is the Intel SSDPEKNW010T8X1 the same as SSDPEKNW010T8H, and/or is it a direct replacement?
Hi, I'm having some trouble getting these drives to be recognised reliably and was wondering if anyone has advice. I have 18 of these 800GB S3610 drives after decommissioning the Dell R630 server they were in, and thought I'd put one or two in my wor...
Hello, My NVME disk is not functional anymore and I wanted to know if there is anything I can do to save it? Intel Memory and Storage Tool says that it's Degraded and if I try to do a Diagnostics Scan is fails in the Read Scan. I tried getting SMART ...
I have a bunch of Intel SSDs that are going into a TrueNAS (FreeBSD) NAS. I want to format these 4Kn rather than the current 512e. The question is how? IntelMAS set -intelssd 1 PhysicalSectorSize=4096 says completed successfully But it doesn't actual...
I have updated the firmware on my P4511 to the latest, but now VMware says that it is no longer supported and is giving me grief with vSphere 7u3. How do I downgrade the firmware to the supported VCV10352 from VCV10384