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Should I install or wait for trim?

Esteemed Contributor III

Today I finally got my X25M G2 SSD, but now that the TRIM was pulled back, what should I do?

Can I install windows7 now and somehow install trim when it's released, or does it require formatting the disk? Or should I wait for the trim, and install it in my vista with the empty SSD hooked up and then format and install w7?

Thank you!


Esteemed Contributor III

Integrate and install win7, you will be fine. you will be able to do the FW upgrade and run trim without loosing the installing (in theory)

Esteemed Contributor III

OK, so the format does not give any andantages after installin the trim? I dont want to take any chances if the new version is really coming this month

Esteemed Contributor III

As far as i know no. becasue trim is a win7 fuinction, kinda like the defrag for a normal hdd. sorry i dont kjnow if that answers your question

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

'By the end of the month' - they said. So you may as well wait a couple more days, and do it all properly in one go with the new firmware.

If they don't release it within November, come up with a new plan. But these forums will turn into a chaos if that happens.