12-09-2009 12:06 PM
I would like to have some insight about the boot times from windows 7 when Postville 80Gb SSD is used.
I have installed Win 7 x64 on the postville G2 and I am a bit surprised with the boot times I get. From Forums and reviews about Postville SSD, I have read that the boot time would be around 20 sec. I get 50-60 sec from the time I push the on button and the time I get an 'up and running cursor'. Is this normal. Below you will find my crystal disk mark data, which I think are in line with I have read from this community.
I run it in IDE mode and there are very few software installed. I have deactivated auto defrag and indexing, windows search service and swap file. I have successfully installed the 02HD firmware version.
Could you please help me on this,
Thanks a lot
12-13-2009 01:42 PM
But that's not from pushing the power button.
12-13-2009 03:18 PM
I don't include initialization of BIOS because that will be vary from machine to machine. For instance on my Mac it takes 10 seconds for the system to initilaize and give me the menu system to select Win 7 to boot. That 10 seconds cannot be changed. But after I select WIN7, there is about a <5 sec before I get the "Starting Windows". So if you count from power-on, then it is 10 secs(MAC BIOS efi initliazation) + 4 secs(WIN initialization before Win 7 message is displayed)+ 15.75 sec from the start of the win7 message to win7 password prompt + <1 sec after i enter my password. So in all i would say 29-31 secs max from power-on.
The key to the WIN7 startup times is what is windows initliazing upon startup. The more stuff that is initilaized the more increase in startup time. Laptops don't have much to initiliaze that is why my startup times should be good. Also, I don't have a lot of programs starting up.
12-13-2009 01:55 PM
My caveat is that timing from hitting the power button is very misleading. At least it should be from the BIOS beep. That said:
Power On: 48 seconds
Power Off: 11 seconds
12-13-2009 02:42 PM
What is truly meaningful? I mean, timing from pushing the power button depends on many factors and so does timing from BIOS screen and timing from entering password. Unless we have identical situations, the timing cannot be relevant with regard to comparison.
12-15-2009 05:34 AM
Use Boot Timer to measure XP/Vista/Win7 boottimes http://www.planetsoft.org/ LINK
X25-M G1 Boottime for me on a ICH10R with no "junk" on bootup with Win7 x64 is 7.394 seconds.