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issdfut_2.0.13 failing during update

New Contributor

I burned issdfut_2.0.13 to a CD over the weekend to update my 320 series SSD. I was able to boot from the CD and the update tool showed that my firmware did need to be updated. After I clicked update the following appeared on the screen and wouldn't go away. I tried multiple times, but always with the same result. I'm on a mid-2009 Macbook Pro.

It seems like others are having the same /message/245766# 245766 issue (bottom of page).

Would it be possible to get an ETA on a fix, or a link to the prior version(s) to try out? Thanks!


Contributor II

Hello MrButterworth,

Thank you for all the information.

Can please try re burning the FUT? Also we have tested from our side and it worked doing a bootable USB drive.

Kevin M