08-15-2014 07:41 AM
I am the user who is highly interested in SSD(Solid State Drive), living in Korea.
I request because I have question about the usage of "INTEL NAND FLASH".
I am aware that "INTEL NAND FLASH" must have mark i
like the picture below.(25nm SLC NAND FLASH)
However, not so long ago, I bought the product that used similar "NAND FLASH like the image above and pull-apart it and observed an internal part.
The "NAND FLASH" used in that product is as follows.
This awkward NAND FLASH hasn't got mark i.
what I want to know is whether you produce and sell this NAND FLASH without i mark in INTEL or not.
if it's the NAND FLASH that INTEL guarantees and produce?
I'll be waiting for answers
Thank you~
08-18-2014 08:04 AM
Hi dio,
I am sorry you are having problems but let me help you.
I would like to know some more information about the SSDs. What is the model of the SSD? Where was the SSD purchased?
If you can provide another picture of both SSD;s I would appreciate it.
Kevin M
09-08-2014 05:17 AM
Thank you Kevin for your support and information for SSD is as follows:
It is not INTEL SSD but I deseparately need your help Kevin.
I purchased in Korea and Controller is "sm2246".
The used "nand flsh" is identical to the picture you show earlier.
The Model number saling in korea is "RevuAhn 850X1 Ultra"
Product link : http://prod.danawa.com/info/?pcode=2726740&cate1=861&cate2=32617&cate3=32623&cate4=0 http://prod.danawa.com/info/?pcode=2726740&cate1=861&cate2=32617&cate3=32623&cate4=0
I am predicting, this product was manufactured by richmax(supersspeed), china and is selling in korea.
http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.0.0.M2ebK5&id=39228329919&ns=1# detail http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.0.0.M2ebK5&id=39228329919&ns=1# detail
Same "nand flash" was used as the product in the "LINK"
whole internal aspect of the product.
Taken from different angle.
Detailed picture of "nand Flash"
I disagree with the product like above are use genuine "INTEL NAND FLASH INSIDE" as an advertisements
Are these awkward "nand flash" the same as original "genuine nand flash" manufatured by intel?
I'll be waiting for answers.
Thank you.
09-09-2014 09:53 AM
Hi dio,
I understand your point and I thank you for the information provided.
Note that we as Intel® provide the hardware to manufactures and they design their products. So at this point the information you are requesting can be provided by the SSD manufacture only.
Kevin M
09-09-2014 10:59 PM
hi kevin.
can't you at the answer about the genuine or non-genuine?
Has Intel ever sold nand flash without "i" marks to authorized dealers in China?
I'm sorry to bother you.