03-01-2019 07:00 PM
As stated in the Intel SSD 545s Series specification, this drive does not have Enhanced Power Loss Data Protection. In my understanding, if there is no enhaced protection in the 545s drive, then probably there is a standard (non-enhanced) protection against power loss. Could you explain what type of protection against power loss is used in 545s and what are the differences from the enhanced level of protection in the context of protecting user data.
Also, since I am in the process of choosing an SSD for purchase, it is important for me to know if the 545s has the data protection technology described in the document by the link: https://www.micron.com/~/media/documents/products/white-paper/ssd_power_loss_protection_white_paper_... on page 3 under the heading "Countermeasures in
Client Computing ". If not, does this technology provide more reliable data protection in drives with this technology in comparison with 545s?
03-06-2019 06:31 PM
03-08-2019 09:45 PM