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trim on raid 0 with x79?

Esteemed Contributor III

Various tech sites such as Anandtech have an article up about the fact that with the newest RST software that Raid 0 and trim is supported.

Is this available for X79? The X79 of course uses RSTe which has a different version number to the normal RST and the articles do not mention anything about X79 at all


Esteemed Contributor III

if we ever get it, i'd bet it would be after ivy bridge E, though at this point, i sincerely doubt we will ever see it...

Esteemed Contributor III

I'm now 10 months into a system that still doesn't work with my video cards (that has been tracked down by AMD to a specific compatibility issue just on x79 systems), and two SSDs that I can't RAID because, once again, x79 compatibility issues.

I bought into the Intel ecosystem because it's compatible with everything. Turns out that's only true if you are buying the low end gear. If you're spending thousands on a desktop? Better look elsewhere, because these boards are the last on anyone's list for support.

Esteemed Contributor III

well, i think intel's most recent statement kinda points to us x9'ers as sol re raid trim... raid trim on the x79 platform

Esteemed Contributor III

You son of a....

Esteemed Contributor III

Now it's December, 4 months after Intel said "soon", still nothing. gg Intel, way to support your "High End Desktop".