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SSD Toolbox v1.3 simply does not work

New Contributor II

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate64bit for over a year.

The drive is an SSDA2M160G2GC ATA device

The Sata controller is an AHCI Controller Intel Version

Everything was working fine with SSD Toolbox V1.2

Now when I run the SSD Tool box, it starts up, gives the warning about only 1GB of disc space will be left free. I say run, it shows the 0 percent for about 5 seconds and then goes away.

The program leaves about 9 hidden files called --=={Intel_Trim_RAID_0}==--.bin



I have tried to find a copy of the old v1.2 but I can't. It would be really helpful if someone could pass it along.

I have tried, removing restore points, cleaning disc space, changing drivers, stopping the VSS service.

Does anyone have any clues... this is a tough one.


Esteemed Contributor III

This might help, I have found that if you have used W7 to compress the drive toolbox is on it did not work for me, uncompressing the drive restored toolbox.

Hope that helps

New Contributor II

Thank you for the prompt response. The drive is NOT compressed. 😞

Esteemed Contributor III

Just checking as you didn't state in your post, when you went from v1.2 ro v1.3 you also upgraded the firmware on the SSD using the v1.5 firmware update software right?

Esteemed Contributor III

I am also getting exactly the same problem. Ssd toolbox 1.3 has been working fine up until yesterday. I managed to get it running twice by installing it on a seperate drive then running it from there but this problem reoccurred. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this. Thanks.