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Intel X-25 M Really Slow Help Needed

Esteemed Contributor III

Hello guys I am new to SSD drives

basically my write speed on the 80gb x-25 mainstream is really really slow I ran the ssd benchmark

those are my results

I first thought I had so many virsuses so I formatted my pc and whenever I run couple programs and they take too much write speed my system lags so bad thats it just lags and I have to power it off

I have it in my bios on ahci and I have the matrix drivers too and I just dont know what to do my motherboard is


-- EDIT 2

I downloaded matrix drivers from asus p5k premium section WRITE SPEEDS ARE NORMAL! however READ speed is now about 130 MB/s instead of 200-250 MB/s

I will update bios if that does not help any suggestions would be apperciated 😃

EDIT 3 :

After bios Update Read Speeds Are Maximum 140 MB/s any way to boost that?


Esteemed Contributor III

What kind of motherboard do you have?

Do you have Virtual Technology enabled in the BIOS?

Have you deleted the system restore points that were previously done?

What kind of computer do you have?

Esteemed Contributor III

Well, no you haven't tried everything just yet. Try taking out or disconnecting those two Western Digital USB drives and go with just the SSD and see what happens. Also, make sure write-caching is enabled.

Message was edited by: ambizytl

Esteemed Contributor III

Mobo : Asus p5k Premium

Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 ghz x4

Those 2 drives are via usb

4gb ddr2 800 ram

nvidia geforce gtx 275

There is not even 1 restore point so I dont have any

EDIT: alright so after using special SSD tweak and turning Off my drives when I have them OFF I get 77-80 MB/s on WRITE everytime.

What can I do so that does not happen when drives are on in USB? and please note those are internal drives If I want I can put them back inside my computer but It was more comfortable to have 1ssd and 2 intrernal in usb

Esteemed Contributor III

There appears to be a conflict with those USB drives, so try putting them in your computer and see if that makes a difference. I assume you have the SSD listed first in the boot order.

I am fairly certain TRIM does not work in a Virtualized environment--and that quite possibly is your problem.

Esteemed Contributor III

How would virtualization on CPU impact an SSD speed on bare metal?