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Intel SSD problems

Esteemed Contributor III

I have an Intel 40GB SSD (DSA2CT040G3) as my OS drive. Here are my system specs - Intel Q2.4GHZ CPU, Asus P5N32E-SLI motherboard, Asus PCI soundcard, ATI Radeon4850 GPU, 4GB DDR2 ram, Intel 40GB SSD, Windows 7 64bit OS, 650WCorsairPSU, 2 x 1TB 7200rpm Sata drives, Asus DRW2014 DVDRW, 5 in 1 Card Reader, 24" LG LCD Monitor, Logitech MX revolution mouse, LogitechG15USB K/B.

My OS has roughly 4GB of free space to play with. Until recently I kept getting BSOD's AND unexplained slowdowns/freezes where my GUI would lock-up.

I eliminated the BSOD's after discovering you should disable all defrags on an SSD.

I still have the lockups/slowdowns though.

I downloaded and installed the latest Intel SSD toolbox. It doesn't work. I've reinstalled it a couple of time but all the options remain greyed-out (see screenshot) [i][b]Attached file:[/b] [url=]SSD.jpg[/url] (67 KB)[/i]

How can I fix this?


Esteemed Contributor III

I did just that. The screenshot failed to capture the fact that when I did so, all the hard drives would just disappear/reappear and never actually let me into a particular drive.