02-03-2011 03:21 AM
Dear Support,
I just purchased an intel SSD 2 days ago (the 80GB G2 - 34nm).
It worked good, i updated the firmware without any problem (both IDE and AHCI, both MS and Intel drivers).
today, when starting my computer, the bios said the disk had an error , although it could recognize it as normally SSDSA2M080G2GC.
the main problem is that It report.... 0GB of storage! or 8 MB if i check on intel SSD updatedr.
Luckily, it is not my system drive yet...
Here are the clues i gathered:
-Smart does not seem to work.
-the serial number reported is ChanCE conflict (i google and only found some Korean page about it, regarding the same SSD).
Obviously, i tried several ports, several cables, and everything seemed fine....
I wonder what cause the problem. I hope it is not the new bios which is not totally polished...
Anyway, please help me!
I am quite a power user, so i can try several things to test the potential problems...
02-03-2011 01:12 PM
well, thanks for the answer,but it is not very helping
I know i am the first one reporting an issue, and i do not know if it is related to the firmware, of course.
the fact is i have my SSD for 2 days, i updated 2 days ago, and i have a problem. May be if i didnt update i would have had the same problem, i cannot know cause it was not tested for a long time...
Now, i restarted a lot my computer lately as i was installing many things, and the firmware is still very young, so it might be related (number of restart wise, I may have done more than any other :))...
At last, i relate my problem to others (the one of the password, altough i never set any password) because it seems to produce the same consequences: serial conflict chanCE and the same nonsense capacity reported).
I wish intel people can help me on this weird chanCe conflict, what it means etc... and i wish nobody has the same problem, all the more if the SSD is their system disk
02-03-2011 02:26 PM
Assuming you are not worried about losing any data on your SSD try a secure erase.
http://www.ocztechnologyforum.com/forum/showthread.php?74093-How-to-use-HDDErase http://www.ocztechnologyforum.com/forum/showthread.php?74093-How-to-use-HDDErase
If the drive does not appear correctly after being erased, or if you are unable to run the erase I would RMA the drive.
02-03-2011 11:18 PM
I tried a secure erase already with intel ssd toolbox.
first, it said that the drive is SATA protected, but it suffixes to powercycle the drive while the toolbox s runing. I did.
Then i could press the button.... and wait 5 mintues to see a wonderful "fail".
Clearly, the SSD is in a "protetected mode" (hence the weird serial number: chanCE conflict).
Before RMAing the drive, i will wait someone official telling me what chanCE means...do u know if anyone from intel ever comes to the forum?
02-04-2011 12:14 AM
Try running a secure erase from DOS as per the link in my earlier post. If it will not run its RMA time.
02-04-2011 11:10 AM
The drive reports 8 MB or 0 GB of capacity.
I dont know how any general purpose tool can go over that;
It wants to write 0s or 1s on the drive, so what?the drive reports a bulshit capacity, the tool wont be able to do anything;
I had a little hope with intel SSD toolbox as it might overpass what the generic info disk report, but no it doesnt.
I need something to "unlock" my SSD (most probably a firmware).
That is only intel can help me, and maybe those who had their disk in a similar state for whatever reason - and I found at least 2 similar cases.
Does any one know how to "set a password" on the SSD? may be i can try to see what happens (setting and unsetting or something).
Also, does anyone know how to downgrade (as i have the most recent firmware) the firmware? that would be useful...