05-27-2014 05:00 AM
I've got two situations where being able to easily copy only the boot partition and it's hidden partition would be very useful.
First, I've got a Netbook I want to speed up a bit. My son gave me a 60Gb Intel 330 SSD Which is more than big enough for everything but the 😧 Partition. The tool provided will *NOT* allow me to ignore the 😧 partition. I can't hide it disable it or otherwise use the 60 GB SSD without copying the data off the partition and deleting it. And, I am *NOT* sure that will work, either. My plan was to use the originl drive as an external data drive.
Second, I've got a desktop system that has a second drive slot and would like top move the 40GB boot partition to an SSD, expand the partition and use all of the 750Gb drive as a Data Drive. SAME Problem!
At 62 with medical I can't afford a large SSD much less two! so why dissuade someone from buying *ANY* SSD drives at all???
Just venting. Sure, I can buy the full blown commercial product... (Or, maybe a competitors?) For an extra, why? $100??? And, the literature still isn;t clear I can do what I am trying to do.
Very frustrated oldster!
05-28-2014 08:56 AM
I am truly sorry for the inconvenience and frustration.
Even though this is a great suggestion for the future the https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=19324 Intel® Data Migration software is provided as free basic cloning tool and for now you may want to try other software tools that may help you with this process.
http://www.acronis.com/en-us/personal/migration-software/ http://www.acronis.com/en-us/personal/migration-software/
http://www.easeus.com/disk-copy/ http://www.easeus.com/disk-copy/
http://clonezilla.org/ http://clonezilla.org/
http://www.partitionwizard.com/free-partition-manager.html http://www.partitionwizard.com/free-partition-manager.html
http://www.paragon-software.com/technologies/components/migrate-OS-to-SSD/ http://www.paragon-software.com/technologies/components/migrate-OS-to-SSD/
NOTE: These links are being offered for your convenience and should not be viewed as an endorsement by Intel of the content, products, or services offered there.
05-28-2014 09:12 AM
Thanks Joe,
Both Acronis and EaseUS failed. They simply would not go to a smaller drive.
Granted I did not try a back-up and restore evolution for either.
Clonezilla is just beyond my knowledge and especially my patience level.
Haven't tried partitionwizard...
Right now it looks like I am going to buy Paragon's Migrate OS to SSD (tonight to save 4G) as it is the only tool I've found that indicates that it will migrate to a smaller drive.
I will let the forum know what I find out.
NOTE: A lot of my initial problems were because it didn't occur to me to update the BIOS. I had numerous failed attempts due to read errors until I did that.