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Probleme avec la tool box sous XP 64 bits

New Contributor


Je suis nouveau parmi vous et j'aurais besoin de votre aide concernant ce problème.

Je viens de refaire une nouvelle installation de XP pro x64 sur un SSD Intel.

J'ai téléchargé la Intel SSD Toolbox - v3.3.3 qui correspond à mon SSD,

L'installation s'est apparemment bien passée, et l'outil se lance normalement, sauf que le bouton "Intel SSD Optimizer" reste grisé, ce qui m'empêche d'utiliser le trim !

Je pourrais toujours le désinstaller et recommencer, mais si je peux éviter !!!

Avez vous une idée de ce qui se passe ?

Est ce à cause du 64 bits de XP ?


Valued Contributor II

Hello gerapi,

Please keep in mind that this forum is supported in english, so you can use this language for future posts. As we understand from the translation, you just installed Windows* XP on an Intel® SSD, but the Intel® SSD Optimizer function from Intel® SSD Toolbox is grayed out and does not allow using TRIM.

There are some things you can check about this condition:

- Check with the Computer Manufacturer Support and confirm you are using the most recent BIOS version for your motherboard.

- Make sure you are using the most recent Driver for your Storage Controller.

- Use Intel® SSD Toolbox to make sure the SSD firmware is up-to-date.

- Check for Windows* Updates and Service Packs.

- Is the storage controller set to AHCI (SATA) mode?

Thank you for your answer

It is a new PC that I do, with Asus M5A97 R2.0 motherboard the bios is from June 2015.I want to keep XP x64 on SSD ( it will not go on Internet.) SSD is an Intel X25-M 120GB and I don't find any update for this ! I'm on AHCI

I have Framework 2 SP1, 3.0 SP1, 3.5 SP1

Visual C++ 2005 Redist

I tried Intel® SSD Toolbox V 3.1.8 and the last one

What can i do ?

Valued Contributor II

Hello gerapi,

For the Intel® SSD Optimizer to work, the system must meet the requirements mentioned in the Intel® Solid-State Drive Toolbox User Guide, pages 17-18. Based on this, you might want to consider the following:

- The optimizer is not supported with the Intel® SSD X25-M G1.

- It is not supported with Microsoft Storage Spaces.

- Contact Asus Support to make sure your storage adapter is working in AHCI mode, and to obtain their recommended chipset and AHCI driver.

New Contributor

it's strange, because i know somebody have this SSD with XP x86 and the Intel® SSD Toolbox works perfectly in AHCI mode !!!

maybe it's because i have an XP x64 ??

Is it possible ???