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P3600 with error ASSERT_FFFF0194 Y0

New Contributor

We have an Intel SSD model SSDPEDME400G4 PCIe SSD that is showing:

ErrorString: *ASSERT_FFFF0194 Y0

when running "isdct -show intelssd"

Anyone know the cause of the error and more importantly if we can recover the drive (i don't care about the data) ?

The is relatively new and was mainly a read-only drive, well within the MTBF hour rating.



Valued Contributor II

Hello p3600_user,

Please let us know some additional information about the issue:

- Computer make and model

- Motherboard model and BIOS version

- Operating System

- Driver version used

Let us know the tasks that the SSD was performing when the issue happened.

Are you aware of any event in the system that may be related to this? (power outage, SSD removal, etc)

Computer: N/A

Motherboard: Intel S2600CP2 SSI EEB Server Motherboard

BIOS Version: SE5C600.86B.02.03.0003.041920141333

OS: Windows 7 64-bit Professional

Driver Version: (dated 2/4/2015)

Tasks: Running IOMeter, 512B Sequential Reads with Queue Depth=32, 1 worker

No events, SSD just moved into this error state.