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Installed Intel SSD Toolbox v3.3.3 exe The program does not open...For 535 480ssd

New Contributor


I have installed this toolbox and it will not open the program even with administrator. The program is not showing in the task manager processes or services. I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.



New Contributor

OS Windows 7 Pro CPU Intel I7-920 with 12 gig of ram. I have rebooted multiple times after uninstall and reinstall. Please see original post, I have already done what you are asking. The program actually works on the Seagate hard drive that I have, go figure.

Valued Contributor II

Hello Pogueplace,

If the program is installed but it does not open, it may actually indicate a problem in the OS (corruption, virus, etc). Here are a few things to consider about this:

- Make sure your Antivirus is up to date, and that your PC is free of infections.

- Check your PC for Windows Updates.

- If the issue persists, confirm that the software is properly installed:

1. Please go to Control Panel, Programs, Uninstall a Program, Select Intel® SSD Toolbox and uninstall it. Reboot the PC after the process.

2. Download Intel® Solid-State Drive Toolbox and Install the application following the instructions in the document Installing the Intel® SSD Toolbox for Software.