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How is my Performance?

Esteemed Contributor III

Hello there,

I have two drives in ahci mode, one is a 80GB C:/ ssd from intel and the other is a 240GB D:/. Obviously, the D is much better performance wise then the C, but my question is whether or not the drives are in fact running optimally.

Intel X25-M Mainstream SSDSA2MH080G2R5 2.5" 80GB SATA II MLC Internal Solid State Drive (SSD)

Intel 520 Series Cherryville SSDSC2CW240A3K5 2.5" 240GB SATA III MLC Internal Solid State Drive (SSD)

Maybe I should just get another 240GB drive as my C and use the 80GB drive as an OS drive for a server or something. What do you people think?

Kind regards,



Esteemed Contributor III

Your benchmark tests look right on, given the specs of your SSDs. The X25-M G2 80GB SSD is rated at a max of 250MB/s Read, and 70MB/s max write. Your 520's results are fine too, and I can see you have a board with a SATA III chipset.

You'll get better performance using the 520 as your OS drive. At one time, the G2 SSD was one of the best you could get, but SSDs have evolved quickly over the past two years. Your 80GB G2 is hardly worthless, and faster in most respects than any HDD, but a bit weak in write performance. It would not be the best choice for use in a very write intensive environment, but has plenty of life left in it.