06-09-2010 07:34 PM
I have a 80 Gig G2 hard drive in win 7 32 and 64 runs like a sata 1 max read speeds is 130, but i also did a fresh install of linux Ubuntu 10.04 and used its disk utility and it reads at 280 whatthe heck is going on with win 7
07-01-2010 03:44 PM
says 2917
07-01-2010 03:46 PM
07-02-2010 08:32 AM
I'm checking on the SKU version number you sent me, but I can't see the picture you posted - I think there was some error in the download. Can you try posting it again?
07-02-2010 08:34 AM
yes can post when i get home, all it said was microsoft 2006 so maybe whatever driver i am using is old and not the what i need
07-08-2010 09:32 PM