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Windows 7 + Intel X25-V = FAIL

Esteemed Contributor III

Asus P5K-V - BIOS 1002 - latest

Q6600 Quad Core at 2.4 GHz - no overclock

SSD Intel X25-V 40 Gb - firmware 2CV102HD - latest

Leadtek 8600GT

4 Gb RAM at 800 Mhz - no overclock, also tried setting it to 666 Mhz but it doesn't help

LG DVD Writer

I have taken out tv tuner, bluetooth dongle, second sound card, 2 WD HDD 250 Gb each.

I have tried 2 versions of Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and one version of Windows 7 Ultimate x86 - none works.

First version of x64 - goes past first restart, it hangs at Completing installation... step.

Second version of x64 - goes past first 2 restarts, it hangs after a couple of minutes after second restart. Second restart is right after the Completing installation... step.

x86 - goes past first 2 restarts, it hangs after a couple of minutes after second restart. This version of Windows 7 x86 works perfectly on my classic WD 250 Gb HDD for about 6 months.

The BIOS settings for SATA are: SATA Mode Enhanced and AHCI Enabled.

I have also installed Vistal Ultimate SP1 and it works perfectly. Haven't installed any drivers though.

Some people said to install Windows 7 over Vista, on the same partition. Did that, formatting the Vista partition, it didn't helped.

When I try to install Windows 7, it creates 2 partitions: one small - 100 Mb, one larger - remaining space. Is that normal? Vista on SSD and 7 on HDD don't do that.

The SSD drive seems fine when I acces it from my old Windows 7, it's a brand new drive.

Is there a problem if I put the drive upside down? The adapter bracket is on top and the drive below it.

I have downloaded Intel SSD Toolbox and all report are fine: SMART and fast diagnostic scan are OK.


Esteemed Contributor III

Well, this is embarrasing !!

I just switched the drand new never used SATA cable with an old one and I managed to do a perfect Windows 7 install !!!

I'll let you know if I get any problems !!

Esteemed Contributor III

Is there a problem if I put the drive upside down? The adapter bracket is on top and the drive below it.

Esteemed Contributor III

One of the advantages of a solid state drive is its ruggedness. The SSD will work fine regardless of its orientation. But be careful about the SATA connector becoming loose. A bad SATA connection can cause strange or intermittent behavior.

Since you are describing what sounds like a desktop, you should be okay. Just something to keep in mind if you ever transport your PC.