08-16-2012 11:50 AM
Various tech sites such as Anandtech have an article up about the fact that with the newest RST software that Raid 0 and trim is supported.
Is this available for X79? The X79 of course uses RSTe which has a different version number to the normal RST and the articles do not mention anything about X79 at all
11-06-2012 02:12 PM
if we ever get it, i'd bet it would be after ivy bridge E, though at this point, i sincerely doubt we will ever see it...
11-06-2012 02:42 PM
I'm now 10 months into a system that still doesn't work with my video cards (that has been tracked down by AMD to a specific compatibility issue just on x79 systems), and two SSDs that I can't RAID because, once again, x79 compatibility issues.
I bought into the Intel ecosystem because it's compatible with everything. Turns out that's only true if you are buying the low end gear. If you're spending thousands on a desktop? Better look elsewhere, because these boards are the last on anyone's list for support.
11-08-2012 09:14 PM
well, i think intel's most recent statement kinda points to us x9'ers as sol re raid trim...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiW9u1AcsQA&feature=watch_response raid trim on the x79 platform
11-09-2012 09:09 AM
You son of a....
12-04-2012 01:21 PM
Now it's December, 4 months after Intel said "soon", still nothing. gg Intel, way to support your "High End Desktop".