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SSD power loss report updates

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Intel is aware of the customer sightings on Intel SSD 320 Series. If you experience any issue with your Intel SSD, please contact your Intel representative or Intel customer support (via web: or phone: . We will provide an update when we have more information.


Intel's NVM Solutions Group


Esteemed Contributor III


I have been using the Intel SSD 320 Series 160Gb SSD in a Quad Core iMac for a couple of months.

Its was running fine all through the Lion Beta program, but Monday evening, my iMac with OSX Lion locked up and I had to power off the system (that never happens to my Mac normally).

On rebooting, I got the flashing folder with a question mark, signifying no devices with a valid OS were detected

The following morning, I had to replace the SSD with a 1TB platter drive and restore my system (thank god for Time Machine).

Disk Utility repoerts the SSD as 8.4MB in size (no, thats not a typo) and thinks the drive is unformatted.

This is very disappointing, so much for hoping SSD would be more reliable than mechanical drives

I loved the speed of the SSD, but this type of failure whether its Intel's fault or OSX causing this catestrophic failure I am still unsure, but either way its totally un-acceptable and has made me wary of wanting to try again with SSD!


Esteemed Contributor III

healeydave wrote:

Disk Utility repoerts the SSD as 8.4Mb in size (no, thats not a typo) and thinks the drive is unformatted.

When you say "that's not a typo", are you referring to the size itself (8.4), or are you referring to the unit symbol? Mb means megabit, not megabyte. Previous people in this thread were stating 8MB, which is megabyte. 8.4 megabits is ~1.05 megabytes. If the drive truly is 8.4 megabits in capacity, that sounds like quite a different issue than what has been reported here. I'm also surprised Disk Utility would report drive sizes in N-bits, most partitioning utilities use N-bytes. TL;DR -- 8 megabytes != 8.4 megabits.

Esteemed Contributor III

The drive is reported as:

8.4 MB (8,388,608 Bytes)

Esteemed Contributor III

Esteemed Contributor III

I want to share solution to fix problem with my SSD Intel.

At the next turn on PC, I discovered with dismay that instead of the 80GB Intel SSDSA2M080G2GC became 8MB Intel Postvill. The first step - to update the FirmWare. But FirmWare update utility, when trying to run, persistently informed me that SSD Intel is not found in the system. I had to go to Internet Mega-Mind. After studying the forums on this topic, I used the Intel SSD Toolbox utility in Secure Erase mode. To drive began to revive it took 7 (seven) cycles of Secure Erase. After each cycle PC has rebooted and Toolbox utility runed again. After the 7th cycle began miracles - instead of "Intel Postvill" 8MB was nominally defined as SSDSA2M080G2GC, appeared the serial number and volume of 80GB, but when I try to partition the disk manager crashes I/O error. At this stage, I updated the firmware from 2CV102HD to 2CV102M3 and again launched Secure Erase. After this, I/O-error disappeared and drive earned as if nothing had happened. After recovery SSD while worked for only 30 hours, and I want to believe that the new firmware will help avoid problems. Features: - to start Secure Erase mode necessary power disconnect and connect the drive, but under Win 7 after this procedure, the utility failed to initialize the drive - under XP, this problem was not satisfied and therefore treatment perfomed under Win XP.