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New Toolbox...

Esteemed Contributor III

New toolbox, new toolbox, where art thou new toolbox??


Esteemed Contributor III

There is an announcement on top they are working on it. So, you just have to wait until they fix the problem with old Toolbox. I don't use System Restore so I am using the old Toolbox. However, the only thing I use the Toolbox for is checking SMART.

Esteemed Contributor III

They have more issues than just the restore points. I run Windows 7 (x64). I've had a flawless drive so far. Firmware updates went without a hitch. However, when I ran the optimize option in toolbox 1.1 my system blue screened on the reboot. Lost all I had and had to re-install Windows. Intel has some obvious work to do when it comes to the Windows 7 (x64)

Esteemed Contributor III

Interesting... I'm on Windows 7 x64 and haven't had any issues with the toolbox. The tooldbox app crashes every now and then but it doesn't cause any harm to my computer.