03-26-2010 12:01 PM
Intel has released a new rev of it's SSD toolbox / trim optimizer, ver 1.3. Here's the link to the options page:
http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=18455 http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=18455
04-04-2010 05:11 PM
As mentioned above, the "fast" trim behavior is expected.
Your mechanical drive as well as your SSD are divided into "Logical Block Addresses", which hold 512 bytes of data, often called a "sector". When you delete a file, your filesystem simply updates its records, but does not necessarily erase the sectors associated with the file. An SSD moves sectors around to ensure steady performance. Unfortunately, an SSD will "shuffle" the LBAs associated with the deleted file just like valid data, which is unnecessary.
If the SSD had some knowledge of which LBAs were no longer needed, it could take advantage of this information to more efficiently "shuffle" when it is time to write addtional data. The addition of the "TRIM" command to the ATA spec basically tells the SSD which LBAs are associated with deleted files and hence no longer need to be moved around.
Hope that helps.
06-14-2010 08:53 AM
How did you get your SSD to run in AHCI and have a RAID set up at the same time??
06-14-2010 08:20 PM
What is AHCI?
06-15-2010 09:41 AM
AHCI - Advanced Host Controller Interface
04-02-2010 03:46 PM
I have 2 SSD drive
the toolbox on the system one run smoothly he fill it up and clean it
when i do the second one it fill it up but it doesn't erase the files
it kind of get stuck to the end of the process i can manually erase the files but it's odd since they are exactly same SSD only different thing is the port the are attached and that one is system the other not
I tryed 2 or 3 times i even restated and tryed again the system one always get it done right the other one always get stuck at the end and fill it up my SSD without erasing the temp files.
Not a big deal i guess but just to let you know.