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MSAHCI with Trim or Intel Maxtrix or RST ??

Esteemed Contributor III

I have 160 gig g2 and running win 7 64 bit on an HP Pavilion dv6700t CTO T9300 4 gig. ram. This is kinda a poll. Go with msahci with trim or use the Matrix or RST drivers without trim and use toolbox. Which way would you go and why?




Esteemed Contributor III

I don't understand this. IF I install the latest RST drivers and switch to msahci, I get the 7.7 wei. But my cpu is continually being hammered by iastoragsvc.exe and it never stops? If I switch to iastor this doesn't happen and I get the 7.7 but no trim of course. I disabled the iastoragsvc.exe and the wei went back to 5.9. I can't win.



Esteemed Contributor III

Here's the latest. If I turn off (un check) write caching on the drive, the wei goes up to 7.7. Of course my write speeds go down on crystal and AS. My read speeds stay the same. Not sure why this is? I beginning to think that the wei is not very accurate...

Contributor III

jjthenovice schrieb:

IF I install the latest RST drivers and switch to msahci, I get the 7.7 wei. But my cpu is continually being hammered by iastoragsvc.exe and it never stops? If I switch to iastor this doesn't happen and I get the 7.7 but no trim of course. I disabled the iastoragsvc.exe and the wei went back to 5.9. I can't win.

The correct name of the EXE file you have mentioned probably is IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe, which is part of the Rapid Storage Technology application.

So my uggestion is, that you should uninstall the Intel RST application, if you want to use the generic AHCI driver named MSAHCI.SYS.

The Intel RST application is only useful when being run with the Intel RST driver.



Esteemed Contributor III

Your're right Fernando, I misspelled the apps name. Thanks for catching that. The orignal subject of my post was whether one should use msachci with trim or RST without trim. This all started because my WEI score was 5.9 with msahci and 7.7 with RST. The low WEI score made me wonder if I was getting all that I could from my SSD. That's why ask the question of switching from msahci to RST. I've since learned that if I disable write caching with the msahci, the WEI goes up to 7.7. Of course my write speeds go down when doing this. My conclusion is: The WEI is not playing well (in some cases) with write caching enabled. I don't believe that you can trust the WEI in all cases. My CrystalDiskMark and AS scores are around the same with either app. So, sticking with the msahci and gaining trim makes since.

Esteemed Contributor III

I have write-caching enabled and my WEI score is and has been 7.7. My benchmark results with AS SSD are fine, no issues anywhere using msahci with write caching in my system.