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Intel 80GB G2 - X25M writting speed decrease, how to fix ?

Esteemed Contributor III

Hi guys

To make it short :

I filled up my SDD 68/75GB, and I notice my SSD writing has decreased ~ 50% in CrystalDiskMark's 512k, 4k, 4kQD32 testes, however the reading speed is remain as original.

The last time I had this problem, I use Intel tool box to "refresh" the SSD and the writing speed came back, but Im having this problem again and the Intel tool box seem to be does not work this time. So, what's wrong ? How do I fix this ?

Im using Windows 7 - 64 bit ultimate - Intel Q6600 - Mainboard : GA-965P-DS3 rev 1.0 , all drivers are up-to-date including windows updates.



Esteemed Contributor III

In addition, my mainboard only has ICH8 chipset, and offically it does not support the AHCI, however I can change my sata mode to AHCI in the BIOS, and of course my Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit is running my SSD on AHCI mode now ! This is so confusing

Esteemed Contributor III

It is getting slow because you have filled it up. You need to get some files off of it and free some space up. AS all ssd's will decrease in speed once they are filled up.

Esteemed Contributor III

Its not confusing your mainboard supports AHCI....just not on the Intel ports...but AHCI would not help you.

Esteemed Contributor III

When I had intel P965 chipset (ICH8R+AHCI+WIN7), I had to run intel toolbox twice a week.

If SSD was still slow, I delete all windows "system restore points", then run intel toolbox again.

If that does not fix it, do what KILLER_K said and run tool box again.

I now have intel P55 chipset (ICH10+AHCI+WIN7) and I also have to do the same thing (if SSD gets full and/or slow), but now I don't need to run intel tooldbox anymore.