05-06-2010 05:12 PM
I want to do a clean install of windows XP pro onto my newly purchased X25-M SSD.
I removed the old hdd, installed the new one, and put in my XP installation CD. Setup finds the new drive and writes the installation files to the SSD, but at the reboot, the system cannot find the SSD to continue the installation. I've verified the files are there.
BIOS does not recognize the new SSD is there. I've tried all the options I can think of in the BIOS, nothing makes the SSD visible to the system during boot.
What should I do?
My motherboard is ASUS M2N-X.
05-06-2010 05:28 PM
I have found it! It WAS a setting in BIOS.
If anyone else is having trouble finding it, it was...
Main -> IDE Configuration
with the following settings...
Onboard IDE Controller [Enabled]
OnChip S-ATA Controller [Enabled]
SATA Mode Select [SATA Mode]
also, nVidia RAID function [Disabled] -- but I suspect that can be enabled without conflict
Hope that helps someone, sooo glad I finally found it.
08-10-2010 03:40 AM
my setup is: Intel Dp35Dp motherboard, Core2duo,4gbDDR2, Geforce 8500GT and segate 7200sata (xp sp3)
i want to replace the seagte hd and want to install a x25-M ssd as c drive ( maybe partition to 60gb/100gb)
shall i do the same process like a normal sata? plz help me do this setup.
08-10-2010 04:44 PM
I always remember having to install SATA drivers for my PCI SATA card as XP didn't have those drivers when you were doing a clean install. I recall the drivers were on a floppy. Hardware certainly changes over the years. I'd expect XP will be excellent with your SSD