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How Long Should Optimizer Run in Toolbox?

Esteemed Contributor III

I'm splitting this off and following up from the Toolbox 1.2 thread. As I noted there, for the first run through of the Optimizer in the new Toolbox, it took 2 hours and 50 minutes for my 160GB SSD. Immediately afterward, I rebooted and ran the Optimizer again. It took 2 hours and 30 minutes (some improvement, but not much). In general, the progress bar is a good indication of how long it will take to run. In my case, it started at 8%. After 10 minutes, it updated to 12%. Thereafter, just about every 7 minutes it increased by about 5% (it did slow down just a bit near the end). Also, the process took about half the CPU power on my system. Not exactly a subtle process. Are others seeing similar times?

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) on an Intel E8400 with 2GB RAM. The SSD is the only drive in the system, is running under AHCI, and has about 54 GB used and 95 GB free.


Esteemed Contributor III

Well, I ran full diagnostic scan for my 80GB SSD and it took about 10 minutes.

The optimizer finished almost instantly.

47GB free on the drive.

Esteemed Contributor III

Using Toolbox 1.2 on 80GB, it tool 1 hour with about 20 restore points... After I deleted all but the most recent restore point the Toolbox optimizer ran in about 10 min.

Esteemed Contributor III

From the ReadMe.rtf:

"To reduce the amount of time the Intel SSD Optimizer takes to run, reduce the number of System Protection restore points. The amount of time the Intel SSD Optimizer takes to complete is related to the number of System Protection restore points and the number of total files of the system"

Esteemed Contributor III

It looks like I've currently got 41 Restore Points (Control Panel | System | System Protection | System Restore). I guess I'm going to have to think about how to manage these Restore Points.