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Can I update the Intel 320 series SSD Firmware using USB Flash Drive using OSX?

Esteemed Contributor III

I am contemplating another Intel320 series SSD to go in an Optibay (replacing the optical drive, will use the optical drive in a USB enclosure outside the mac), however I wonder how I will update th firmware since you cannot boot from the optical drive when it is in an external USB enclosure. Is it possible to update with a USB flash drive?

I am using a mid 2010 13" macbook pro.

Thanks in advance!


Esteemed Contributor III

Esteemed Contributor III

That works on a mac????

Esteemed Contributor III

You could be right that this does not works for a Mac. Sorry about that!

I booted an Intel processor.

So it only works if your (Mac) processor can execute a very basic Win98/DOS based OS.

Esteemed Contributor III

Okay it is clear to me that it will be impossible to update the firmware in my situation. So is it possible to buy a new Intel 320 with this latest firmware that fixes this known bug? Thanks!