02-03-2011 03:21 AM
Dear Support,
I just purchased an intel SSD 2 days ago (the 80GB G2 - 34nm).
It worked good, i updated the firmware without any problem (both IDE and AHCI, both MS and Intel drivers).
today, when starting my computer, the bios said the disk had an error , although it could recognize it as normally SSDSA2M080G2GC.
the main problem is that It report.... 0GB of storage! or 8 MB if i check on intel SSD updatedr.
Luckily, it is not my system drive yet...
Here are the clues i gathered:
-Smart does not seem to work.
-the serial number reported is ChanCE conflict (i google and only found some Korean page about it, regarding the same SSD).
Obviously, i tried several ports, several cables, and everything seemed fine....
I wonder what cause the problem. I hope it is not the new bios which is not totally polished...
Anyway, please help me!
I am quite a power user, so i can try several things to test the potential problems...
02-03-2011 03:26 AM
edit: i tried several different SATA/power cable, and all work for my 3 other SATA devices (raptor, hitacHI 1TB, DVD drive), but none with the SSD...
Seems a firmware problem to me...
02-03-2011 04:13 AM
i am on Win 7 pro 64bits.
it looks a me a lot like the first trim firmware problem.
the other chanCE conflict problem (and they report 8MB or 480 TBwhich is both very weird but very similr to mine) i saw are around the same time (july 2009, althought the firmware problem seems to be found in october 2009).
http://unkar.org/r/jisaku/1241003332/567 http://unkar.org/r/jisaku/1241003332/567
obviously, i do not speak either Korean or Japanese, so i cannot tell much what happened...
if somebodycan translate the link, that would be helpfUl too ;
is there a way to downgrade the firmware to test with a older one?
02-03-2011 04:23 AM
well sorry for answering myself, but as I am digging, i discover information...
http://www.maximumpc.com/article/news/intels_first_x25m_g2s_suffering_bios_bugs http://www.maximumpc.com/article/news/intels_first_x25m_g2s_suffering_bios_bugs
actually, this problem seems to be more relevant to mine, as it is said to appear in the same time frame as the japanese/korean message i saw (july 2009).
(disk blocked when password set and changed);
Notice however that i never did or intended to set a password on the SSD, but i believe the state of my SSd is the same as what they use to be with this bug.
For information, my board is a asus P5WDH delux (i975X).
luckily, it seems intel worked out a fix, so i guess I could be beta tester for this one .
02-03-2011 12:58 PM
Well, out of many G2 SSD owners that have done the firmware update, including myself, you are the first one that is reporting any problems, on this forum anyway. My G2 SSD has been working fine for several days now, although I did not have a password set on my SSD. The password problem is an older one and as you mention the fix was found a while ago. Although this latest firmware update does not seem to fix that problem (it was never stated in the release notes that it would be) your problem is likely not related to the latest firmware. Of course we'll have to wait and see if more problems like yours turn up. Good luck with your SSD.