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8/13 Update on "Bad Context 13x Error" for Intel SSD 320 Series

Esteemed Contributor III


Intel has reproduced, identified root cause, and developed a firmware update which addresses the Bad Context 13x Error being discussed on the Communities site and elsewhere.

Response plan:

The new firmware update is in final validation testing and is targeted for release on Intel® Communities within the next two weeks. Intel takes firmware updates and issues of reliability very seriously and is taking extra steps to support a smooth release. We appreciate your patience.

What should I do if I have not experienced this issue?

To minimize occurrence, if a system requires a shut down, Intel recommends using that system's standard power shut down sequence. As with any storage device, Intel recommends users frequently back up their data. Download and install the new firmware when it is available. As with our previous firmware updates, a secure erase is not required.

What should I do if I have experienced this issue?

If you have already experienced a drive failure or encounter this problem before the firmware update is released, please contact your Intel representative or Intel customer support (via web: or phone: for an SSD replacement. An alternative option is to use the Intel ® SSD Toolbox or similar tools to perform a secure erase in order to restore the SSD to an operational state; all data will be erased. After secure erase, update your SSD with the upcoming firmware. The pending firmware update will not recover user data.


For users unfamiliar with the issue, an Intel SSD 320 Series drive may exhibit a drive capacity of 8MB and an electronic serial # field containing a message of "BAD_CTX 0000013x" due to an unexpected power loss under specific conditions. Once this error occurs, no data on the SSD can be accessed and the user cannot write to or read from the SSD.



Intel Corporation

177 REPLIES 177

Esteemed Contributor III

At least it is not an MSDOS

It is FreeDOS, wich is something different. And it is simple and direct method of upgrading firmware... and it's cheap solution, yes.

It would be good to have some usb connector for firmware upgrade only...

If you can't upgrade firmware just RMA the drive back, let Intel to do their job

Esteemed Contributor III

Hey healydave,

It doesn't matter that you are on a Mac, as the update does not apply to (=work on) any computer with a drive ALREADY affected (i.e. if you are experiencing these symptoms).

Firstly, your serial number would be listed as BAD_CTX 0000013x, so it would not be valid.

I'm hoping that Intel will release a tool (command-line switch?) that will allow you to perform a partial erase of drives in this state, for the purposes of trying your luck at recovering your own data. Even step-by-step instructions for how to do partial recovery with a PartedMagic (Linux) ISO would be helpful....what is there to lose? If it doesn't work, I would happily do a Secure Erase and reinstall, knowing that I tried everything.

At this stage, I'm feeling that despite my 5 year warranty and my decision to place my trust in Intel's brand over others, I've lost a few times on this deal: I've spent my money, lost my data, and I can't even get a good explanation as to why.

Please Intel, show a little compassion!


New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Unfortunately once the disk is in the error state, you need to use a program to get the drive to perform the secure erase function.

That wipes the disk clean.

Then you should be able to see the full capacity again and be able to install the updated fimware

I realize this is a pain in the butt but there is not other way out I am aware of and I have been watching this issue for quite some time now.

Esteemed Contributor III

i have the 300gb version installed in my portable

i didn't have the issue and was advised by intel to update the firmware

the person stated that if i didn't had the issue before the upgrade they couldn't reproduce the issue with the new firmware, and if you had the issue it was possible to run into the same problem again...

this didn't gave me much confidence in the product

so since it is related to an unexpected shutdown, what exactly is an unexpected shutdown?

is a windows crash unexpected? (literally - not being scarcastic )

so since i'm running this ssd in a laptop, i can't really have a sudden power loss, can i encounter this problem then?

when asked the intel person told me that even holding down the power knob could cause the issue...

at this point i'm regretting buying this expensive piece of hardware, i had the impression ssd's were more reliable than conventional harddisk...



Esteemed Contributor III