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Win10-64 system with 128gb SSD600p drive and a 2T raid issue.

New Contributor

i have an asus Win10 system with 128gb SSD600p M2 drive and a 2T raid installed. Initially i set up Win10 on the SSD but did not like the way it worked so i reformatted the system with Win10 on the 2T raid. Now i can't get the SSd to appear as a suitable drive. The SSD toolbox sees it but Win Disk Manager does not.


Esteemed Contributor III

Hello T_V,

We understand you're having issues getting your Intel® SSD 600p Series to be recognized. In order to better assist you, we would like some more information:

  1. Are you unable to see the 600p in Disk Management (diskmgmt.msc) or Device Manager (devmgmt.msc)?
  2. Which version of the Intel® SSD toolbox are you using?
  3. What is the firmware version of your drive?
  4. Did you perform a secure erase/low-level format on the drive? If so, what method or tool did you use?
  5. Are you able to detect the drive using diskpart (Command Prompt (admin) > diskpart > list disk)
  6. What is the brand and model of your computer or motherboard?

We look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

Carlos A.

Esteemed Contributor III

Hello T_V,

We haven't heard back from you in a while, has your issue been resolved?Best regards,Carlos A.