03-06-2014 09:54 AM
I have a MSATA ssd drive intel 525 180gb, I tried to make a secure erase, with linux live cd, for restore performance of SSD, failed secure erase, and now using Intel SSD Toolbox show me in the drive "a Security Freeze Lock is detected and the drive must be power cycled by unplugging and plugging in the drive", is very difficult do this with msata drive and in a laptop. I have tried several programs, without success.
Is There another way to unlock the drive?, I don't have desktop.
Thank you for your help.
03-06-2014 10:12 AM
The step that usually works to unlock the drive is to put the system into sleep and then turn it back on.
03-06-2014 11:19 AM
Put the system in sleep mode in windows 7, or how I can put the system in to sleep?
03-06-2014 11:38 AM
Click the "Start" button in the lower left corner of your desktop. In the lower right corner of the Start menu, next to the "Shut Down" button, is a button labeled with a small, right-pointing arrow. Mouse over the arrow. The Shut Down menu appears. Point at "Sleep" and click on this option. Your Windows 7 computer should go into sleep mode.
03-06-2014 04:56 PM
din't work, i put the laptop in sleep mode and return, still locked, restar, stiill locked, another solution? is a great intel's fault if doesnt have another soolution