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Quieron instalar windows en un disco ssd 530, pero windows no encuentra el driver, que debo hacer?

New Contributor

Tengo problemas para instalar windows en un disco ssd 530 series de 2.5" de 240gb, el bios de la comutadora si lo reconoce, pero windows no hace lo mismo y ya intente con todas las versiones de windows, me pueden ayudar con los drivers para poder inciar la instalación.


Valued Contributor


According to our translation, we understand that the Intel® SSD 530 Series 240 GB is recognized by the BIOS but the OS is not recognizing it, correct? If that is so, we would like to know if you have tried this SSD in a different computer to see if the same thing happens.

It also may be that the SSD is not initialized, please do the following:

1 - Go to Disk Management (Control Panel, System and Security, Administrative Tools, Computer Managment, Storage, Disk Management). At the lower section of this dialogue box, please look for the SSD (Usually is Disk 1) underneath the C: drive (usually disk 0).

2 - If the SSD is labeled as "Unalocated", then that means it needs a partition created. Please, right click on the area where it says Unallocated and select "New

Simple Volume". Follow the default options. Allow it to format at the end. Once process is over, you should see that the SSD is labeled just like the C: drive

Let us know if this procedure helped you.