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New 730 SSD 480GB re-allocated sector count.

New Contributor


I've just replaced my failing SSD with an Intel 730 480GB as I've had no issues with Intel SSDs in the past (I have a 180GB 330 SSD in my mini ITX PC and a 240GB 530 SSD in my parents PC).

I always run checks on new hardware to make sure everything is OK and the re-allocated sector cout, with just the OS installed on a fresh SSD is already down to 98 (I hope it's down to and not up to as the threshold is 0 ). Is this normal? If a drive is already re-allocating sectors with just the OS installed should i be worried about the logevity and realiability of the drive? (I chose the 730 over the 530 for 2 reasons - firstly it has an Intel controller and previous intel made controllers were very very good and secondly because the endurance is rated @ 70GB/day over the 530's 20GB/day for 5 years so I'm hoping for a drive that will last me the 5 years )

Also one other query regarding the warranty.

The drive they had available was only an OEM part and not a full retail box (with Product Code SSDSC2BP480G410 and firmware L2010420 which I'm assuming is the latest? SSD Toolbox didnt find any updates).

I know the retailer covers the warranty of OEM parts so if I have any issues with the drive I can go to them and have it replaced or if it's EOL they can swap it for an equivalent model. My query is...should the retailer go out of business within those 5 years would Intel cover the warranty or would I be left without?

Thank you for any help.


Valued Contributor II

A sporadic increase in the re-allocated sector count does not necessarily indicate a problem with the Intel® SSD.

We recommend you to continue monitoring this attribute since a steady increase of more than three errors per week means that it needs to be replaced.

Hi thanks for the reply.

I'll keep an eye on it and if it stays at 98 I'll be happy. I've had a look at my intel 330 and 530 SSD's and both are at 100 (one is 6 months old, the other 2 years) so i guess I'll see how it is.

Do you have an answer regarding warranty query? I know that as it is an OEM part it is up to the store I purchased it to cover the warranty but what happens if they go out of business during the warranty period and the drive fails? (I'm hoping neither would happen but you never know.) Would the warranty be then covered by Intel or would I just have to get another SSD in that instance.


Valued Contributor II

Please check the warranty terms here: Intel® High Performance Solid-State Drives — Limited warranties

Yeah I've read the warranty pages however when you look at the "OEM" pdf linked from looking up the 730 480GB it references the 320 and 520...I think the document says that Intel covers the warranty but I'm not entirely sure