07-14-2016 04:08 AM
I have an Intel 320 120GB SSD which failed today (8mb bug). The only thing I could do is "secure erase" it from intel toolbox. Firmware is 4PC10401 (Seems to be HP specific). Can I do something to prevent the drive failing again ? I couldn't update or downgrade the firmware using the intel bootable firmware updater since it said it's the latest firmware.
Please advise.
Thank you
07-14-2016 06:53 AM
We understand the SSD is showing 8MB space and you were able to perform a secure erase. According to the firmware, the latest version is: 4PC10362, you can check it in this http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/solid-state-drives/000017245.html link,
We recommend to get in contact with our support department, either by phone (1-916-377-7000), http://intelsupportchat.force.com/icslivechat/ics_tech_ssd_ww_english_Chat chat or https://customercare.intel.com/?lang=en-US e-mail. This in order to verify the markings of your SSD, the firmware on it and to get further assistance with this situation.
Thanks and we will be waiting for your response.
07-21-2016 10:22 AM
We are following up and we would like to know if you were able to get in contact with our support department.We will be waiting for your reponse.NC