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Esteemed Contributor III

HELP!! Trying to build a computer (1st time). Can I connect my 520 series SSD Drive to an Marvell Serial ATA 6.0Gb/s connector. My mobo manual states this connection requires 7-pin SATA6G-E1 (blue). It further states "The SATA6B-E1 (navy blue) connectors are for data drives only. ATAPI device is not supported. I'm confused - can I use this connector using a gray SATA6B cable to connect my SSD or an Hard Drive. . My MOBO is an ASUS P8Z77-V LE - OS - Win 7 - Intel I5-3570 - NO RAID and the SSD will contain the OS & Programs.


Esteemed Contributor III

Yes, you can connect your 520 to the Marvell SATA ports. The color of the cable means nothing, just use a SATA data cable.

If you have a Z77 board, use the Intel 6Gb/s ports, they are much faster and much better than the Marvell. They should be just below the Marvell ports, check the manual.

The ATAPI device thing they mention means CD, DVD drives, not HDDs or SSDs.