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I want to know es tag on nand flash explain

New Contributor

I bought a solid-state hard drive, but was found to have es tag on nand flash. Is this right?I want to get Intel official explanation.


Valued Contributor

Hello brOOk,

We wonder if you could send us a pic of the other side of this SSD showing its label. Where did you buy this from?

New Contributor

I am Chinese users, through formal channels to buy( 光威(Gloway) 骁将系列256G MSATA3 SSD固态硬盘【图片 价格 品牌 报价】-京东). I suspect this is not genuine, but I have no evidence.(translate)

Valued Contributor

Hello br00k,

Thank you for the courtesy of sending the picture. This is not an Intel® product. In this case, the best option here would be to contact the place of purchase or the manufacturer directly so they can explain in details what the ES tag means.