11-26-2017 09:14 PM
How could I get ssd life information(whole life and remaining life)in my system?
I tried "smartctl" and "isdct", but they do not work:
# smartctl -i /dev/nvme0n1 :
(smartctl can not recognize intel pcie ssd)
# isdct show -a -intelssd
I want specific remainning life but a flag that show the ssd is healthy or not.
# isdct show -a -smart -intelssd
- AD -
Description: Wear Leveling Count
MaximumEraseCycles : 83
MinimumEraseCycles : 48
Normalized : 100
Raw : 279178313776
- E2 -
Description: Timed Workload - Media Wear
ID : E2
Normalized: 100
- E4 -
Description: Timed Workload Timer
ID : E4
Normalized : 100
- F4 -
Description: NAND Bytes Written
ID : F4
Normalized : 100
Raw : 4208175
- F5 -
Description : Host Bytes Writen
ID : F5
Normalized : 100
Raw : 2865299
(and several attributes)
Is there a mathematical formula describing the remainning life of the dc p3600 using these attributes ?
Or other way to get specific whole life and remainning life?
11-27-2017 03:21 PM
Hi programmerzhou ,
We understand your situation regarding the Intel® SSD DC P3600 Series.In order to better address your situation, could you please provide us the following information: -Could you please let us know the operating system you are running? -How many drives do you have? -Is the SSD connected directly to the motherboard? We look forward to hearing back from you.Regards,Junior M.11-28-2017 12:11 AM
# uname -a
Linux hostXXX 3.10.0 # 1SMP Sun Nov 26 01:13:37 CST 2017 x86_64 GNU/Linux
# cat /proc/version
Linux version 3.10.0 (root@hostXXXX) (gcc version 4.7.2 (Debian 4.7.2-5) )
We have more than 10 drives in a host, including one Intel SSD DC p3600 and one Intel SSD DC S3500.
Many thanks and best regards.
11-28-2017 09:17 AM
Hi programmerzhou,
Thanks for the information provided. It seems that you are running an old version of the Kernel, we recommend you to install the latest version of the Debian* because it will include the latest version of the NVMe* driver. As per Intel® SSD Data Center Tool https://downloadcenter.intel.com/downloads/eula/27248/Intel-SSD-Data-Center-Tool?httpDown=https://do... user guide, page 72 section 4.12 you will be able to see that the tool in order to check the estimated life remaining of the SSD is called "endurance analyzer". You will be able to see all the commands you need in order to run the tool.Note: The "2" in the "-intelssd 2" means the SSD's index number. Please let us know if there is something else we can assist you with. Regards, Junior M.12-05-2017 09:35 AM
Hi programmerzhou,
We would like to know if you read our previous post. If you have any other questions, we'll be waiting for your response.Regards, Junior M.