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How are the two endurance numbers of DC P3700 - 17 W/day and max limit of 65.7PBW connected?

New Contributor

I am trying to design these drives into an application which requires high amount of sequential writes. In order to figure out the upper limit on how much data I can write to these drives on a per day basis, should I be using the 17Writes/day parameter or the 65.7PBW number?

Going through the JEDEC218 standard, I do not see any writes/day parameter. It appears that the TBW is the only figure that is used to determine the endurance of the drives. So my confusion is what is the 17 writes/day really telling me in relation to the 65.7PBW. Is it the obvious which is 65.7PBW is valid only while not violating 17 writes per day? And if I do, how does the 65.7PBW change?

I appreciate the experts' insights.

Thank you.

Best regards,



New Contributor

Thank you.