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Intel 910 SSD performance with Linux 5.5 - what have I done wrong?

Esteemed Contributor III


Just wondering if there are any 910 users out there that are HAPPY with performance of their 910 SSD?

I've been running tests of a 400Gb drive under Centos 5.5 (and "real" Redhat!) on an IBM x3650M4 ... we use the D3 database, which in turn uses raw partitions, but we have found the performance of the 910 to be sorely lacking.

I had expected to see a significant performance boost moving to SSD's, but instead I've found performance of the 910 to be far WORSE than 2x300Gb 10K SAS drives (connected to a ServerRAID controller with 512Mb cache).

I'm no Linux guru, but believe I've got drivers installed correctly --> have been through MULTIPLE rebuilds now, using both Linux dd install, and also loading RPM's post install, but same results.

I understand HDPARM is not an adequate test (910 comes out with similar numbers to the SAS drives), but we have our own database test suite we normally use .... multiple processes reading & writing multiple records .... nothing too testing, except the SAS/ServerRAID combo finishes this in under 2 minutes, wheras the SSD's take >10 .... YUK!!

What have I done wrong .... (or have I wasted $2K on this drive ....)