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Gelbe Led Blinkt > SSD 750 PCIe 400GB

New Contributor


der Gelbe Led von meinen SSD 750 Series 400 Gb blinkt dauerhaft. ( Karte ist erst 1Monat Jung)

Beim Starten im Bios ( UEFI) blinkt es nicht, aber wenn Windows denn startet ,

blinkt der Gelbe LED mal schneller und denn wieder langsamer dauernd

Der Lese / Schreib Geschwindigkeit ist OK.

Laut Intel SSD Toolbox ist der Aktuelle Firmware installiert

Im Bios sind die Einstellungen laut empfehlung Intel so gemacht

Was könnte hier der Ursache sein?


Windows 10 64Bit.

Asus Z97-K USB 3.1

auf PCIE 3.0 x 16 ist der SSD gesteckt

auf PCIE 2.0 x16 ist Grafikkarte MSI GTX 760 gesteckt


Esteemed Contributor III

Hello A3S3,

According to our translator system, one of the LED keeps blinking yellow and you would like to know why is that happening?Could you please check the following link, on page 33, it will show you the status of the lights, could you please let us know what is the LED number that keeps blinking?We will be waiting for your response.Regards,NC

New Contributor

Hello NC,

thank you for the information.The problem with the "yellow" LED has solved.I have the SSD expanded and see there: What should be an AMBER LED is a YELLOW! LED !!!Why this is yellow is probably a mistake in the production ?????

So, the Problem is Solved

Thanks and Greetings from Germany,A3S3

Esteemed Contributor III

Hello A3S3,

Thanks for replying back here.Our guess is that the amber & yellow lights are similar (It is hard to determine, unless you have both on). Anyway, we are glad to hear the situation is fine.Have a nice week and greetings.Regards,NC