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Garbage collection on a deleted partition

New Contributor

I have a 530 series SSD. I deleted a NTFS partition then realised that the space taken by files on it would still probably be treated as valid data by the SSD. At present it is free space as far as the OS is concerned. How can I release all the "dirty" blocks which were created when it was used as a partition?

I had thought of creating a new empty partition in the same location (i.e. the same logical address in the MBR as the old partition) and then using the Intel toolbox to "optimise it". Would this clean the old used blocks?

I suppose the only other way I can think of is to image the existing valid partitions, do a "secure erase" then restore those partitions. However this is a lot of work and time.


Valued Contributor II

Thank you for posting.

You can try what you described in your second paragraph if you want to make sure that area of the Intel® SSD is optimized, even though the drive is probably optimized by now.