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What socket 775 motherboard supports trim

Esteemed Contributor III

Rebuilding system have a Q6600 cpu so new a motherboard that supports Trim in win 7 64 bit, has to be socket 775 to fit cpu i have. What specificly iam i looking for? I mean do only certain chipsets work with trim? What does the motherboard need to support to run Trim so a XM-25 80 gig will work best.


Esteemed Contributor III

The motherboard has no bearing on whether the TRIM command works. There are two requirements for TRIM to be implemented:

1) The Operating System must support it. At this time only WIN7 using the appropriate Microsoft's drivers.

2) The SSD firmware must support the TRIM command and be able to process it correctly.

I hope this helps you.

Esteemed Contributor III

Some info in my post about AHCI in regards to TRIM may help you out also:

My motherboard doesn't have AHCI, so I have to schedule the Intel Toolbox to take care of TRIM for me. If yours has AHCI, then TRIM should work automatically with Windows 7.

Esteemed Contributor III

Thanks for the info on AHCI i have to look at what motherboards have it. I would prefer it to run trim automaticly. Not sure if motherboard say if they have AHCI or is a specific chipset have AHCI or do several differant chipsets support AHCI. I will go to newegg and take a look to see if the specs on motherboards say anything about AHCI. No clue what those letters stand for though.

Esteemed Contributor III

Ok i went to newegg looking for a socket 775 board that has AHCI but the specs dont say if a motherboard has AHCI. I also went to Asus home page and did a search for AHCI and got no results. So which chipsets support AHCI? Oh i went and looked up Advanced host controller interface, at least i know what the letters stand for now. I sure dont want to assume a motherboard has AHCI and find out after it doesnt. My current motherboard that iam having trouble with doesnt have it in the bios BUT iam running XP which i now know doesnt support it but will be getting Win 7 for new system anyway.

So which chipsets do AHCI if i new that it would be alot easyer to find a motherboard to use as i can do a search for motherbpards with certain chipsets.