03-19-2010 01:06 PM
Hi greetings to all, I recently purchased an Intel X25-M SSD 160GB and I already have problems in passing the CrystalDiskInfo (I put 99% well, instead of 100%) and intel ssd tools detects me "1 reallocated sector" . I doubt if it's serious and how to solve it. I would appreciate your help. Greetings to all
Hola un saludo a todos, acabo de comprar un ssd Intel X25-M 160 GB y ya tengo problemas, al pasarle el Crystaldiskinfo (me pone 99% bien, en vez de 100%) e intel ssd tools me detecta "1 sector reasignado". Tengo dudas si será grave y como solucionarlo. Os agradecería que me ayudarais. Un saludo a todos
10-05-2010 10:50 AM
Hello, I would like to know if you can provide more information about the problem and the program that you are using, when this happen, and also I want to know if you already try to perform a secure erase.