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Problem with SSD toolbox

Esteemed Contributor III

I am trying to use the toolbox for the first time. But I already get stuck trying to select my SSD. All itt does is constantly refresh. My SSD is an 80GB Gen1 - could that be the problem? The OS is Windows7 X86. Here is the first screen that shows my SSD as first drive.


Esteemed Contributor III

The SSD Toolbox should run fine. However, the SSD Optimizer only supports G2 and newer drives.

Esteemed Contributor III

Thank you for the answer. That is kind of what I suspected. I wanted to "clean" my SSD. Can you recommend how to go about that. I have two of those Gen1 models and since there is no Trim, they must be "clogged". Your guidance would be appreciated.

Esteemed Contributor III

I have the same problem but with a brand new 510 drive. Everytime I click on the SSD drive it refreshes the screen. I can click on the two SATA drives just fine.

Whats happening?

Esteemed Contributor III

I have the same problem with my new 320 series.